I have entered the world of published writers. That feels good to say. My short story Tea Cozy of the Black Earth is in Weird Fiction review #2 put out by Centipede Press. I cannot tell you how surreal this is for me. The story itself was inspired by a Twitter link one of my Twitterfreunds made on April 1st of this year. It was a request for submissions for disturbing stories involving tea cozies. I read the post all the way through, for it looked professional for all intents and purposes, and I was (And maybe still am.) too stupid to have noticed the date until the very end where they pulled the "APRIL FOOLS LULZ!" gotcha card. The thing is, I had the think meats going into high gear while reading the proposal to the point where, after the true purpose of the post had been revealed, I said "No, fuck it. I'm doing this anyway." And so I did, as one is wont to do after saying "No, fuck it. I'm doing this anyway."
Best Girlfriend in the World(tm) knows the unparalled S.T. Joshi, the penultimate H.P. Lovecraft scholar. She passed my story on to S.T. because he might enjoy it. I had no problems with this whatsoever. I then receive a forwarded e-mail from him to her, asking if I could change it to .rtf for inclusion in the next edition of Weird Fiction Review.
To paraphrase Bill Murray in Ghostbusters, "When S.T. Joshi asks if you can change your story to .rtf so it can be included in Weird Fiction Review, you say YES."
I'm still pinching myself, but there it is.
Well, that's good news.